PrimalAttitude.com is proud to be part of the INKUBATOR project, helping the industry we love. We have dedicated nearly a decade in bringing you the best in Products for the Tattoo Industry and are proud to say we are a Family Run company, not a faceless corporate giant .... If you know us, have seen us and support us; you know who we are. You know it's always the owners taking as much care of you personally, as best we can; and that it's always us you can talk to face to face.
That's why being a part of this project is so special to us. We are honored to have been asked to be the Canadian Distributor behind the INKUBATOR Project.
We have always been a part of this family, we will always be here; supporting Artists like yourself. We will always bring you the best in what we find out there in the Tattoo World and with the help of INKUBATOR, we will keep the industry in the hands it belongs to. Tattoo Family vs Corporate any day of the week.
If you can, Join the project. If you cannot, help by supporting the movement. You can help by sharing the ideas, supporting the Artists behind the projects; even buying the products developed by the INKUBATOR project and the Tattoo Artists behind the ideas.
Don't give into the idea that it's the Big Corporate companies that now own the industry. Tattoo Artists never belonged on a corporate label, they were always above that.
Welcome to INKUBATOR.
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