INKUBATOR - Project 2
Black Spade Tattoo Needles are project # 2, currently in planning between INKUBATOR, Tattoo Artist Investors like yourself and
Your Investment is scale-able. For example:
Your Investment of $500 will get you either a return of 2x your investment, or an unlimited discount of 15%. Your choice.
$500 Investment = 2x your investment or 15% Unlimited Discount
$1000 Investment = 2x your investment or 20% Unlimited Discount
$1500 Investment = 2x your investment or 25% Unlimited Discount
$2000 Investment = 3x your investment or 15% Unlimited Discount
$2500 Investment = 3x your investment or 20% Unlimited Discount
$3000 Investment = 3x your investment or 25% Unlimited Discount
This investment will bring to Canada an amazing, high quality line of Full Bar Tattoo Needles.
Help bring a brand to life. Supporting the industry, it's Artists and it's future.
Project Goal is $20,000. Shareholders will be updated along funding progress.