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#TattooArtistThursday Interview with Jamie Henderson

#TattooArtistThursday Feature Interview with Black and Grey Icon Jamie Henderson.


Today we feature a master of the Black and Grey Horror, Demonic, Dark .... just down right evil. Jamie Henderson out of New York has been wow'ing us for years with his take on the dark matter that lurks within his mind. Part of the PrimalFamily, we've had the pleasure of seeing his talent grow and wonder in amazement as we see the unleashes in Ink on him victims......umm; clients.



Q: Tell us about yourself: Your Age?, Where you're from? Where you Tattoo?

A: Thankfully I don't look my age..or at least that's what people tell me. It's good to know that all Satanic rituals I've been performing over the years have worked. Sucking the life out of children has really kept my appearance young. Where I'm from is an interesting question, Once I broke free from the fifth circle of Hell, I saw a small spec of light and clawed my way toward it. Realizing only after the fact that I had crawled my way out of my mother's womb and into upstate NY(and I thought Hell was bad!). I have traveled around a good deal, but I set my roots in NY and this is where my shop was until just recently. Only a few weeks ago, I moved my shop to Milford,PA




Q: Who was your greatest influence in the art scene that made you want to become a Tattoo Artist? Who do you look up to within the Industry? Do you have mentors that make you strive to be better?

A: There are a lot of artists that I respect and follow. Obviously if you've seen any of my work Paul Booth and Bob Tyrrell were and still are my some of my biggest influences in tattooing. Since I started, I've met loads of other great artists but none have had an impact on me like Lucifer. I started getting tattooed by him and he turned out to be the most down to earth, greatest guy I've met. He has helped me come so far in not only my tattooing but also in my art. He has been an incredible brain to pick and offered his knowledge and guidance like no other. I will go so far as to say, he's the one that helped me emerge from a tattooer to a tattoo artist. Because of him, I'm always pushing if there's one person that I try to impress, it is him.




Q: Please explain to our fans what your specific style is? You have such a unique style in the Tattoo industry, how would you describe it? What makes it stand out?

A: My heart lies with the dark side; horror, monsters, demons and the grotesque..that's where my passion is. I really love doing black and grey, I don't do any color any more. I have a realistic style and even enjoy portraits and flowers(believe it or not) they are extremely fun. Not many guys are whole heartedly into the horror genre, but it's in my blood!


Q: Please tell us about the first Tattoo Memory you have. That moment that sparked it all.

A: I got my very first tattoo at a tattoo party, I know such a BAD idea. I thought I was so cool after walking around the gym , sleeve all rolled up, sporting my brand new bitchin' tribal arm band! After that it was quite a few years before I got my next one.
The moment that sparked it all was when I found a local guy who at the time (and without any research or education of the subject) I thought was a great tattoo artist. He started working on my forearms and after a few sittings I started to think that this didn't look so hard. I became very interested and could definitely see myself doing this for a living. After all, ever since I was a little kid, my dream job was to sit around and draw all day. This was just a natural fit for me!




Q: Are you a traveling Artist? Do you attend Conventions or Guest Spots across or in other countries?

A: I love traveling and meeting new people. Conventions and guest spots are a great excuse to do both. I really enjoy working in a different areas, you can get to know different cultures a lot better than just visiting. You're not just limited to the touristy stuff you are a part of their lives.




Q: How do you feel about today's Tattoo Conventions?

A: I've been to a lot of tattoo conventions over the years, I forget how many but I ALWAYS save my laminate from EVERY show I've ever they add up quick! I've seen both ends of the spectrum.. huge professional shows where the artists are treated great and never want for anything to some smaller conventions that were nothing more than glorified partied for the "promoter". I think all in all, the larger and professional shows are doing great things for the industry and as a whole bring artists together as a family that would not otherwise have the same opportunity. It really encourages us to seek out and share knowledge with each other. As well as pushing our individual art into the public eye. Most of us are artists and work in other mediums aside from tattooing. The amount of talent and hard work that is out there is mind blowing. Most people don't realize that and we have conventions and the real promoters to thank for that.




Q: The Evil Question: Coil or Rotary ... Which are you loyal to?

A: had to go there huh? I started out on coil machines and used them for years. I do believe you should try both machines and formulate your own opinion on it. Otherwise your just being stubborn. I switched over to a rotary about 2-3 years ago. Since then I've gone through a few different machines and honestly was about to go back to my coils when I tried the one I'm using now. With that being said, I love my machine and I think my machine found me.



Q: What inspires your specific style of art?

A: I have a lot of influences. It's virtually impossible to not be influenced by the art around me, every piece that I see bears some weight on what I create. Art is not made in a vacuum it is a product of the people and things that surround us. I've been drawing monsters and demons since high school. I draw a lot from what I see in my head and what I dream about. I was once told that I have an over active imagination. I took that as a compliment and stopped fighting the things I saw which led me to go with it. Kind of enjoying the show. I still struggle with getting my exact thoughts out of my head into this world. It's almost like there's a block from my brain to my hands, but I keep trying and I think I should haha



Q: Any upcoming projects that our fans should keep an eye out for?

A: I'm always trying to work on something. Currently I'm looking to do a small series of oil paintings and of course a new line of prints will be available shortly. As far as tattooing, I am very receptive to large creative projects. I have a few in mind I'd like to do..people just have to ask



Q: What advice do you have for someone that wants to follow in your path? What is your advice to new artists on the brink of entering into this career?

A: Find something else. Most people can't handle the amount work and self motivation this takes. It isn't for everyone and that's not trying to bad mouth anyone or toot my own horn. This career path has devoured my life in every aspect, but I let it. Most aren't and probably shouldn't let that happen. If you do, don't ever quit and what you put into this, the industry will give back exponentially.



Q: We always like to ask the harder questions, dig a little deeper then everyone else. Can you tell us 3 things that most people wouldn't know about you?

A: Well aren't you a busy to try and put me on the spot huh? Well I attend my local church every Sunday for morning mass...hahaha, yeah right! Okay, little known facts... The only tattoo I've done on myself is that of my grandmother. I did it shortly after she passed, we were and still are very close. I had a Jack Russell Terrier named Gromit for 15 years. He was the closest thing to a child that I'll ever have. He passed about 2 years ago now. I have his bones re-articulated sitting on my couch, in his spot, still on his blanket (and he still wears his bandana). Last fun fact...I hate ugly feet on women(I don't care about men's feet ) I don't care how beautiful she is..I just can't.



Q: Weeding out all of the social influences, as we're bombarded every day with thousands of Tattoo images; is there any up and comers that you've got your eye on? Who are they and what is it that's tweaked you about their style?

A: That's a tough question, we see so many artists at conventions it's hard to remember who each one is. One in particular that I know of Is Danielle Bar from Ace and Sword tattoo, she hasn't been tattooing for very long at all, I think 1.5 -2 years? max maybe. I've seen her work just grow by leaps and bounds. People like her definitely puts the pressure on us to step up our game.



Q: Out of the thousands of Tattoo's you've done, is there one that you can specifically say is your best? A piece that just puts that smile on your face? Can you share it with us?

A: I don't think there is any one in particular that I'd call my favorite. The tattoos that get an emotional response out of clients are the best. For example a mother or father weeping from a portrait of a lost child that I've tattooed on them, or the joy when a client is overwhelmed because the tattoo came out better than they could have ever imagined (their words not mine lol)


Thank you so much for completing this interview for us. It's honestly our pleasure to work with you and watch your growth in the future. Hopefully we'll see eachother again real soon, Safe Travels until then. Our last Question:


Q: Everyone has a saying, a mantra; mine is "It is what it is".
What is the quote you live by?

A: "Don't be afraid of perfection, you'll never achieve it"


Next article Mr. Henderson is on our #MCM....

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