Welcoming PrimalArtist Norm Gardner to the PrimalFamily!

Norm has been in the tattoo industry for 15 years. Creating art since childhood, Norm developed his skills by using many different mediums. Norm was drawing on anything he could get his hands on. Norm has developed art work for local businesses, motorcycle event posters, t-shirts and more. He started his apprenticeship at Valhalla Tattoos in Regina, and then was asked to join the team at Razamatattzz Tattoo shop in Regina. Norm and former piercer Drew decided to open a Shop. This was the birth of Psychocity Tattoos in 2003 .
Norm prides himself and his success on getting the customers involved in creating one of a kind, custom pieces of art, and along with his outgoing personality he creates an atmosphere where people keep coming back for more, he loves all styles of tattooing…..so don’t hesitate to ask.
Norm has tattooed at many Tattoo Conventions Throughout Canada and the United States, He is currently a sponsored by Source Tattoo Supply Company, , Norm has had the opportunity to meet with many well-renowned artists throughout his career. Norms shop now consists of Himself, Jessica Scott,(artist) Jammed Dean MacDougall (artist)Taylor Farrer(booking agent and shop management, and Norms Partner in crime, and business partner Bobbi Farrer(Girlfriend)
After opening Psychocity he has apprenticed a few artists that have had continued success in the industry after working with him in his shop, and he will always pay tribute to the late Cam Hewalo who worked in Norms shop for 2 1/2 years, “Not only did I work under Cam throughout my apprenticeship, I then took Cam on as an Artist at Psychocity years later”.
After closing the Tattoo shop in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada, Norm met his girlfriend Bobbi /co-owner of Psychocity and started on a journey to Beautiful British Columbia Canada. With the goal of a new tattoo shop and a full retail outlet in the heart of the mountains, once again the Re-Birth of the new and improved Psychocity Tattoo and Apparel. Norm and Bobbi opened in Kamloops BC, July 1st 2013. After the continued success in Saskatchewan, Norm has seemed to have a loyal following of satisfied customers, coming from all over Canada and the USA. Bringing Bobbi into the Tattoo scene with her HR background and Marketing skills, Psychocity seems to be a success in Kamloops. Norm travelled to New York in January 2012, and was interviewed for the hit series “INK MASTER”, on Spike TV, although he wasn’t chosen for season 3 and was asked to attend season 4, but with the new shop opening he and Bobbi continue to focus on the business and customer satisfaction.
Psychocity has prided itself since it opened in 2003 on high-end, quality, custom tattoos, with an amazing atmosphere and outstanding customer relations. We provide 100% custom, one-of-a-kind tattoos, which come to life with the help and input of each customer. It is a relaxed environment. We use 100% disposable products as we take safety and the customer’s piece of mind very serious.
We continue to strive in any subject matter - from black and grey to full blown color, new school to old school. Our commitment to over exceed our customer’s expectations is what has made us who we are today. We have decided to now bring this service to the residents of Kamloops as we have moved our shop and life to BC. We look forward to seeing you in the shop, and you can see for yourself what people are talking about. Psychocity is a shop where quality is the “ NORM”…….!!!
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