Chris 51 Geek Ink Set
IMPORANT: All Artist Color Series are now only available from INTENZE TATTOO INK in 1oz sets. (2oz and 4oz) are no longer made. To keep up with demand all sets are made "FRESH TO ORDER". This process adds approx a week to shipping time, so you may have to wait a few days for your order to arrive. Although some sets may be in stock, this is a way for us to ensure you receive the best in products all the time. Thank you for your patience. - Your Primal Attitude Team.
12 Brand New tattoo ink colors never before seen, perfect for cartoon-style tattoos. Check out the full video featuring Chris 51 using the set below and discover what makes this new ink set a truly valuable addition to your daily color palette.
Chris 51's Geek Tattoo Ink Set is a 12-ink set absolutely perfect for cartoon style tattoos and enhanced lining. Learn more about this vibrant new ink set from Intenze below.
Whether it’s for his hard work or tattoo work, Chris 51 is known as one of the most colorful artists around. When he wanted a different kind of tattoo TV show, he made one! When he wanted to tattoo at comic cons, he made a tour for it! And, when he couldn’t find ink bright enough for his tattoos, he called on Intenze! Together they made the magink happen.
With Chris’s vibrant formulas and Intenze’s color-mad scientists, an explosion of Epic Ink was born in his new box set; Chris 51’s Geek Ink. In the set you will find 12 perfectly vivid colors engineered by the Alpha-Geek himself to specifically match your favorite pop-culture subjects. Like your favorite cartoons and movies, the ink will stand the test of time and become as cherished as the iconic characters you are tattooing with it.
Known for his technically flawless cartoon tattoos, Chris also explains how he achieves his bright results using this color set through tips, strategies and color-chart layout examples in an 18-page instruction guide included in the box. And no Geek Ink set would be complete without adding an autographed exclusive Chris 51 trading card!
Chris 51’s Geek Ink Set includes: Springfield Yellow, The Walking Red, Velma Orange, Why So Seriously Purple?, Garbage Pale Skin, I Don’t Care Bear, My Lil’ Bronie, Cloud City, Butter Beer, Mint in Package, Cowabunga (green) & Mystique (blue)