INTENZE Mike DeMasi Color Portrait Set
IMPORANT: All Artist Color Series are now only available from INTENZE TATTOO INK in 1oz sets. (2oz and 4oz) are no longer made. To keep up with demand all sets are made "FRESH TO ORDER". This process adds approx a week to shipping time, so you may have to wait a few days for your order to arrive. Although some sets may be in stock, this is a way for us to ensure you receive the best in products all the time. Thank you for your patience. - Your Primal Attitude Team.
Perhaps one of the most highly anticipated tattoo ink sets of all time, our Intenze Mike DeMasi Color Portrait Set is super popular and simply amazing.
No portrait set would be complete without the flesh tones and neutral colors essential for faces and skin, and there are vivid colors also provided (red, blue, and green tattoo inks) that are used in this art form to give depth and life.
DeMasi chose 19 essential colors for his tattoo ink set that are sure to fit your every need to get started: Black Cherry, Chestnut, Clay, Coral, Dijon, Dirty Beige, Ginger, Midnight, Mocha, Moss, Olive, Raw Umber, Raw Umber Light, Salmon, Sand, Steel, Sunset, Swamp, and Yellow Orchid.